When our House first opened in 1983, it was only the 48th Ronald McDonald House to come into existence. Today, there are more than 350 chapters operating all across the...

As a small nonprofit with a limited staff that oversees a number of programs geared toward helping families with sick children in our area, we really could not honestly do...

When it comes to RMHC supporters who are able to help us and bless our families in more way than one, Peggy Sherrod is one of those generous souls leading...

One of our "best kept secrets" here at the Ronald McDonald House in Amarillo is our "Gifts from the Heart" Toy Delivery Program. Though this program is currently on a...

"One of the best things about staying at a Ronald McDonald House is that you feel safe.  Being in an unfamiliar city and different hospitals is very overwhelming.  People are...

If there is one thing we could rightfully be accused of "harping on" around here, it would be hitting home the message that each and every one of our volunteers...

If you've followed our social media accounts for any matter of time, you have probably seen some adorable pics of NICU warriors sporting a stylish beanie cap or baby blanket...

If you've followed us for very long, you probably already know that unlike many RMHC locations, our Family Room in Amarillo is fully staffed by non-paid volunteers, 12 hours per...

We've shared quite a few stories with you lately about many of our terrific and passionate volunteers that keep the Ronald McDonald Family Room up and running, but today we...

One of the truly beautiful things about bringing people together to unite behind our mission for serving families is that so many different folks involved have had an opportunity to...